Become a Trader!

Barter Town will be a central part to our Township at POX-ECLIPSE, and if you’re interested in selling your wares but need some more information - then this is the place for you!
Some of the basics on operating a stall at at POX-ECLIPSE:
You will be required to have insurance
You will be required to have set minimum trading hours - just to ensure we have a lively and active market for everyone to enjoy
You are required to purchase a ticket to the event - however this is at a reduced rate
Power can be provided at request and cost
Many of our traders will be niche sole trader artists, perhaps it’s your first time at this. So below we’ve outlined a few FAQs that may assist in answering your questions.
What can I sell at POX-ECLIPSE?
You can sell whatever fits into the dirty, end-of-civilization, post-apocalyptic wasteland environment. Appropriately themed costume gear, clothing, camp supplies, adornments, prop weapons, and survival necessities are always popular. Better still if it serves a function and looks great doing it.
Obviously, if you try to sell really offensive or illegal items, like for example something with a swastika on it, you may be removed from the event. If you have any doubts about what you are intending to sell, please get in contact.
Please note that ‘weapons’ should fall into alignment with POX'-ECLIPSE’s law - that weapons should not be realistic-looking or replica guns, swords, knives, blades etc. Customised Nerf guns are accepted.
Where is Barter Town at POX-ECLIPSE?
Barter Town is the main hub for vendors. It is located along the main road as you enter into the Township. Detailed information will be sent to vendors after approval of their application. We do not allow vendors to operate outside of Barter Town, those caught selling products without the correct approvals will be evicted from the event.
Are there any licences or permits I need to get?
Yes. No one may sell merchandise at the event without a Market Stall Insurance. Food vendors are also required to hold a temporary food permit issued by the Yilgarn Shire Council - please submit your form to:
You will need to provide evidence of the above to our Market Manager by October 1st, 2024
The standard stall spots range from 3m by 3m to 6m by 6m. Larger spots are available on request.
All approved vendors are advised to arrive on-site for set up from 10am Wednesday 8/10/2024 and are required to have completed construction of their stall and be ready to start trading by 12pm Thursday 10/10/2024.
You may set up your personal camp inside your vendor space as long as it meets the theme zone requirements. If you do not have a themed personal camp, you must camp outside the theme zone in General Camping.
Yes. Every bit.
This includes both your stall presentation, as well as any personal camping setup you have.
Barter Town is a themed attraction at POX-ECLIPSE, so we only accept vendors who agree to meet the theme zone requirements.
If after setup, we determine that you do not meet the theme zone requirements as you portrayed in your application, we will ask you to move from Barter Town, and you will not be able to sell your wares at POX-ECLIPSE.
Blue tarps and uncovered rental trucks/vans are NOT theme appropriate and will not be allowed inside the city walls.
As with any vehicle within the city walls, it must be a themed Pox-Eclipse vehicle to stay at your camp. If it’s not theme-appropriate, you must leave it in a designated parking area or friends’ camp outside the theme zone boundaries.
This doesn’t necessarily mean you need to change your vehicle - you could cover it in a ‘themed’ way.
Stallholders are required to provide their own Market Stall insurance, to include a min 1mil public & product liability.
This isn’t as complex or costly as it sounds - typically from $50
Market stall insurance can be purchased from a wide range of companies (POX-ECLIPSE recommends AAMI or AUZI who both offer single or multi day policies as well as annual coverage) from between $50-$80.
Stallholders can also google “Market Insurance” and do their own research on the best deal for their money. -
Do you have some tasty morsels to feed the horde? Or perhaps you’re a local looking to sell your locally grown produce at our market?
Food vendors are required to complete a “Food Business Notification Form” and lodge it with the Yilgarn Shire Council via email to
Got a current permit from another City Council in Pert? Please be sure to include it on your application form.
Costs will vary .
We will judge case by case for power costs once your applicaton is submitted but cost will include entry tickets to POX-ECLIPSE for crew and a maximum $100 for power depending on size and power consumption of the stall